
Hi, I'm Natalie Cabral. Good to see you here.

Who am I?

I'm brazilian and I've always had interest in art, design and creation. Determined to discover new areas around technology besides design and illustration, I decided to delve deeper into the universe of programming.

Web Developer

Languages and Tools:

  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Scss
  • C



This project was made with HTML and CSS, to practice forms and responsive design. The project contains a login and a sign up page, with options to sign in with Google and Facebook and a "forgot password" option (buttons with no function). The idea of the project is to create a minimalistic and monocromatic layout that follows the purpose of the app.

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Project Title

Landing Page made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, to show the projects created by an independent artist, their prices and their specifications.

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